Promoting Your Brand With New Web Technologies

Promoting your brand is both more enjoyable and easier than ever with the advent of social media, but how can you truly make money by promoting your brand using the tools now available in the digital age? Often, people have major social media accounts for their business with Twitter and Facebook, but are not using them effectively. This article features suggestions regarding self-promotion using the web.

Rule 1: Schedule Social Media Into Your Day

There's no point to opening a Facebook or Twitter account and leaving it dormant. You have to engage with people! Consider how you use Social Media in your non-business life. Aren't you more apt to follow your friends on twitter if they tweet frequently? Don't you love it when your friends post funny videos online? Your business should regularly post status updates on Facebook as well, but take it a step further, too. Comment. Ask questions. Give expert advice. (If you'd like, you can link your Facebook Updates to go to Twitter, and vice versa!) Pssst! A great time to update is around lunch hour! People who have office jobs often flip through their social media feeds around this time.

Rule 2: Content Matters

When promoting your own business in the digital age, what you broadcast matters! You aren't going to gain many twitter followers or retweets if you simply broadcast the same sort of content every day. Switch it up! If you are a yoga teacher trying to promote your yoga studio, trying tweeting a photograph of a yoga pose one day, and then a great quote from a well-known yogi on the next. The same idea applies for any business that you might want to promote. Even if you're trying to promote your band! Post a song one day, and a music video the next!

Rule 3: Stay Ahead of the Curve

New sites are developing every day, and marketing opportunities for your small business or venture. Read technology magazines online, and watch for new methods being used by your competition at all times! For example, Actor Charlie Sheen used streaming video to promote his personal brand, and streaming video is becoming quite a great way to monetize on your talents. Regardless of business, a streaming video channel where you can interact with customers, patrons, and fans live is the foreseeable next development in promoting businesses on the internet. People value live advice via streaming video, and will pay a premium for real-time help rather than waiting for a response as the internet and new technologies continue to grow.

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